Basora Pretu

€ 10,00

This Alchemilla herb is a woman's best friend and used during the last trimester to the first few months after birth to restore tone to the uterus, dry up excessive moisture and return vitality and balance to postpartum women. It is also antispasmodic in case of menstrual pain, alleviates breast tenderness, stops menstrual periods and facilitates the birthing process. When applied externally in a hip bath, it is effective in treating discharge and itching. It also makes breasts less sensitive to touch, softens indurations and speeds up the healing process in case of breast cancer. It prevents nutritional deficiencies by curing inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and stopping diarrhea. It is also said to surround women with a protective "coating". That is why every woman should drink it as a tea for a period of six weeks after giving birth.



The use of herbs is a supplement to a healthy lifestyle, not a replacement for regular health care. Consult a doctor, therapist or expert before using herbs in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, medication use and illness. Herbs can have side effects, contraindications and interactions with other drugs.