Blessed Thissle Herb

€ 10,00

Blessed thistle, also known as holy thistle, has been used since the Middle Ages to treat bubonic plague, promote digestive health and prevent infection. Today, blessed thistle is most commonly used to increase the production of breastmilk in nursing mothers. In addition to promoting lactation, blessed thistle is believed to stimulate appetite and treat diarrhea, indigestion, colds, and flu. Others apply blessed thistle directly to boils, abscesses, and other skin infections to speed healing. It also stimulates the production of bile which assists in detoxification of the liver. This in turn leads to a decrease in symptoms associated with poor liver function such as; fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and brain fog.

 Blessed thistle tea can be made by steeping 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dried herb in one cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Proponents believe that taking blessed thistle with fenugreek can further increase the production of breastmilk. Others will use it with alfalfa or nettle leaf. 



The use of herbs is a supplement to a healthy lifestyle, not a replacement for regular health care. Consult a doctor, therapist or expert before using herbs in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, medication use and illness. Herbs can have side effects, contraindications and interactions with other drugs.