Dandelion Mix

€ 10,00

Dandelion mix is a herbal tea that helps with e.g blood pressure, edema (excess fluid,vocht), and detoxes the liver. It is also the perfect tea for pregnant women since these benefits helps women to reduce the chance of getting preeclampsia. It contains herbs like Dandelion Herbs, Roots, Alfalfa and oatstraw which is known to reduce stress and helps you to relax.

As a preeclampsia Survivor, I can testify that after God, this helped me a lot. If you have any concerns or has other issues, feel free to contact us.


The use of herbs is a supplement to a healthy lifestyle, not a replacement for regular health care. Consult a doctor, therapist or expert before using herbs in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, medication use and illness. Herbs can have side effects, contraindications and interactions with other drugs.