What is hair porosity and how do you check this

Gepubliceerd op 17 april 2023 om 19:18

Hair porosity is a term used to describe your hairs ability to absorb and retain moisture. We know that hair consist of up to 8 layers and the cuticle is the outer layer. How well your cuticle absorb moisture and oils, determine the porosity of your hair.



We categorise hair porosity in three categories :

*Low porosity

*Medium Porosity

*High porosity


You can find These hair porosity in ALL TYPES OF HAIR.



Low porosity

Low porosity means that your hair strands have a tightly bound cuticle layer that lays flat and tends to repel water. Low Porosity hair dries easily since water can’t fully penetrate the hair. Once the water penetrates, and the hair is completely wet, it will take long time to air dry. With low porosity hair, holding onto moisture is not the issue, but getting it in is.



Medium Porosity

In medium porosity, cuticles are less tightly bound and is considered normal porosity because it has no difficulty getting the moisture in and retaining it. The hair stand well to styling or things in that nature. 



High porosity

High porosity means that your hair strands cuticle are completely widely spaced. It absorbs moisture quickly, but because the cuticle are widely spaced, it doesn’t retain that moisture easily and loses the moisture just as quick as it absorbed it, leaving it looking frizzy and feeling dry.


Porosity is usually genetics, but it can change due to exposure, chemical processing & environmental change.



How do you check your hair porosity?


The easiest way is to wait till you cleanse your hair, fill a bowl with water, and place one strand of hair in it. If after some minutes, it sinks to the bottom, that means you have high porosity. If it floats below the surface, but doesn’t touch the bottom, you have medium porosity. If it floats at the water, on the surface, you have low porosity. Check our porosity sealant video on Facebook or Instagram. 



Another method is to take one to five hair strand, place your fingertips at the end of your hair, while slowly moving my hand up towards the roots. If your hair strand feels slightly rough, bumpy or uneven, it means that the cuticle layers of the hair are open, which means you have high porosity hair. However if it feels quite smooth, then it’s likely you might have a medium to low porosity hair.



If you wanna know more about your hair porosity, do the porosity test on the site to help you determine exactly what your hair porosity is and which sealant suits you best.