How to take care of Low Porosity Hair

Gepubliceerd op 17 april 2023 om 19:56

How do you care for a Low Porosity hair?

Grab a note or screenshot these 14 IMPORTANT tips right now: ➡ 


  1.  Don’t shampoo too much because it can strips the hair of it’s natural oils and moisture which can lead to damage. Use a natural shampoo Sulphate-free, Silicon-Free and free from harsh chemicals like our Detox Clay Shampoo
  2. Prepoo. Pree poo stands for Pre-shampoo and it is the method of applying an oil or extract to the hair before shampooing your hair. It works well with low porosity hair, because it helps to lock in moisture and protect the hair against the stripping effects of shampoo. Use recommendation is the Mami's Onion Juice Recipe or Click here to check our Roots Up Growth Oil TREATMENT to help strengthen, growth and cleanse the scalp before shampooing. 
  3. Some people like to use Apple Cider Vinegar on their hair. If you have low porosity hair, we do not recommend using apple cider vinager on your hair. If you still want to use it, you can do so on your ends since your ends are older and has a higher porosity.
  4. On wash day, wash your hair with warm water. Heat is your best friend since this opens up the cuticles, especially when deep conditioning. To refresh Your curls, you can spray your curls with hot water to refresh your curls during the weeks.
  5. When washing your hair, wash your hair in sections.
  6. We do not recommend cowashing your hair a lot. People with low porosity hair tend to get a lot of dandruff and build up, so be careful.
  7. Your hair doesn’t really work with conditioner, try more deep Conditioner like the Detangling & Growth Clay Wash (Conditioner) 500 ml
  8. When deep conditioning your hair sit under a dryer, use a heat cap, or use a warm/hot towel wrap it around your hair and put a shower cap on to open the hair cuticles and help moisturize the hair. (2-3 times a month). Check our Aluminium HEAT Cap on the website.
  9. When applying leave in conditioner, do this in the shower & put a shower cap immediately after you put in the leave in conditioner, until you style your hair. Use a lightweight Leave-in Conditioner like our Detangling & Moisturizing Leave-in Conditioner
  10. We do not recommend using the LOC method (Liquid, oil and cream), but the LCO method instead. If you seal your hair with oil before applying the cream, it can seal the cuticles preventing the cream to get in and that can lead to a lot of cream sitting on top of your hair.
  11. Use products that contains a lot of slip, to help you detangle your hair more easily. Like our products mentioned before. 
  12. Limit protein, silicone, and heavy oils and butters which can cause build up. Use instead light oils and butters. They are your best friend.
  13. Never style on dry hair.
  14. Use products that contains humectant, which draw the moisture from the air to your hair. e.g glycerin, panthenol (vitamin b5) Etc. Glycerin is concidered the best humectant, but I wouldn’t recommend products that contains a lot of glycerin, because just like it does a perfect job drawing moisture to your hair, if used wrong or if the humidity or dew point is high, it can draw moisture from your hair to the air.

Take a screenshot or note of these tips if you have Low porosity Hair, to help you improve your hair. If you are not using these tips to take care of your hair, you might be damaging your hair. Be careful. We hope that these tips can change your hair game and makes your hair shine like it's supposed to be. 

For more information about Hair Porosity, we recommend you to read the blog about hair Porosity to help you determine your hair porosity and Which hair sealant suits you best. 

Remember to state your hair Porosity in the "opmerking" box before ordering to make products according to your hair needs & struggles.